great original concept
Nice work. The music was wacky and fitting but it could have used more action sounds (maybe boings for the crayons walking).
great original concept
Nice work. The music was wacky and fitting but it could have used more action sounds (maybe boings for the crayons walking).
It should be called
Staring Problem Steve. The N isn't neccessary
The music was needlessly loud in the beginning and it did suit well any way. Its an AVG clip
It bored me.
Heres what i found wrong with it:
Hardly any music
Wasn't funny as funny as it could have been b/c you guys tried to hard.
The jokes sucked and were EXTREMELY stupid, Nis Pe???? your kidding right? what are we in grade 2?
It was too plain and predictable which kinda reminds me of all the other garbage thats on TV.
Bum ass wiper? Again are we 7 year olds?
It was just dissapointing
Oh and the guy with the fro use to get cut up cuz he was jewish but i didnt hear any of that, why not freeman???
Again i have to say mostly 100% of ur jokes sucked.
Ur Characters are too plain. The guy with the eye brow ring needs to be worked on cuz it wasnt entertaining to watch... I was waiting to be impressed but i was disappointed
Graphics were the only good thing 3/5
Over all it was VG
The music went really well and the transition in the music was well suited.
The concept has already been isnt new the musicmation, but its still cool too watch.
The graphics were good, better then good but not best.
I really liked watching it, the suspence was good it took a but to get going but thats what made it worth while too watch.
Holy shit!?!?!?!? *long pause* whoa!
lol crazy shit. Funny as hell. You only used one background but it was still able to maintain its funny.
Funny, very funny
This was a good movie. Lol stupid cat. But i have to give u a 9 because it was short.
Age 48, Male
Joined on 11/20/03